Dear Home Show... Thanks to you, I am spending my few spare moments each day dreaming up ideas of how to utilize my small team of babies and toddlers to refinish my cabinets and create a kitchen that looks something like this...
And a dining room that has a light fixture like this...
And a living room with curtains like this...
And a little boy wonder room that looks something like this....
Or this...

As if my ACTUAL to do list isn't long enough, now I think of things like cashing in the penny jar contents to buy new throw pillows, or glass jars for the master bath. But you sure are purty... aren't ya.

Dear Buddha baby, a.k.a. Ace Machine. How amazing are you to literally hang with the girls and walk around listening to us oooh and aaah over bedding selections and infinity pools all weekend long? Additionally, you let perfect strangers pinch your cheeks and speak to you in goofy baby language and you gave them all the right responses. You rock my socks off.
Dear Winter... I love you and your balmy fifty degree days full of sun. If you're going to put on shows like that - you can come every year. If not, don't bother.
Dear Kael... You are such a good brother. I adore how you ALWAYS ask for an apple for you and one for "Daxi" and the way you run around the corners of the yard when you can't see your little shadow and ask, "You OK, Daxi?" just melts my heart.
Dear Pinterest... I take it all back. You give me ideas of stellar activities like this to do with my little tigers and I love that. Therefore, I love you. We can be friends.
Sorry for talking smack about you before.
Dear Cooper... Stop eating the boys' sidewalk chalk. What the hell? Are you talc deficient? That is so dang weird and now when I scoop your poop it is all psychedelically colored.
You are crazy, dog.
Dear Aquarium... My kids LOVE you. The penguins or "kenwins" were a total hit with them. Now we talk about going to "Kia" (Ikea) and "Kenwins" "morrow" all the time. Sounds like we'll be back soon.
Dear Swamp People... You make me stare at my TV in total amazement and laugh profusely at your strange speech (once I finish reading the subtitles). I love you. I have frequent nightmares about gators in my yard, in my tub, in my bedroom, but that won't stop me from watching you. Holy deliciously crazy entertainment and on the History channel no less!
Dear Dax Man... I love how you scold Cooper for eating your chalk ALL the time. Today while you were talking your little self to sleep I heard you say no short of ten times, "Coopa eat chalk... sit at waw (wall) Coopa. Yucky. No No No." Way to tell him little drill sarg.
Dear Readers of this Blog (All two of You)... We are currently prepping for the big marathon known as potty training. I am totally scared. This week we are talking about the potty non-stop and sitting on our little car potties and gushing about underwear and looking at the candy jar by the potties and holy crap, this is already exhausting. Pretty please, send me your secrets? I feel as if it could be a very long, no good, rotten kind of week next week. Heaven help us...
First suggestion...DO NOT do stainless steel appliances! They sure are pretty to look at, but you'll spend your days, EVERY day, cleaning all the finger and hand-prints off. As mine die off they are being replaced with black! Just sayin'
As for the potty words of advice, sorry. It's really up to the kid and if he's really ready for it! Just keep bribing!
Hey Super Mama - here is a bit of potty training advice. 1) if they're not ready it will be 100 times harder for you. It will take months if they aren't ready and a few days if they are. If you jump in and they aren't going for it just stick 'em back in diapers and wait a couple more months. 2) reward good behavior. We had a treat bowl. Every time they pulled down their pants and "tried" to go they got a skittle. If they actually went in the potty they got a whole handful of skittles. REALLY load them up. And load them up with beverages too - that way they have to pee more (more opportunity for practice). 3) make them HATE mess ups. Every time they had an accident we would go to the spot where the accident occured, RACE to the potty together, pull down the pants and "pretend" to go, pull up the pants, and go back to the "mess up spot". We did that back and forth thing 10 times in a row with every single mess up. They HATE it, but as soon as they realize that's what happens when they don't get to the potty fast enough they learn quick to drop what they're doing and run to the potty when they need to go. You really have to clear your schedule for a few days but once it's done you're golden. Welcome to the new phase of parenthood - the "I-know-where-every-public-bathroom-in-the-wester-united-states-is" stage. Have fun!
Agree with above comment...they have to be ready. My kids were all very late potty trainers but there were less accidents than I can count on one hand...between all of I suggest waiting it out. I'm talking like my boys and Jenner were both just shy of 4 and Taylor was 3 1/ wait it out even if you are spending somewhere around $120 a month on diapers...Good luck!
lol..."I know where every public restroom is" lol... that's so true. I hate using public restrooms but welcome to a kid who is potty trained and suddenly we go to every one everywhere! I agree with all of the above...never done the running back and forth thing though... interesting, might have to try that someday. And same for the all above advice: Sadie started going on the potty randomly from 2 to 2 1/2 and after 6 months of treats, pullups, peeing on the couch, naked days, and sitting on the potty for forever only to get down and pee on the floor two seconds later... ;) At 2 1/2 it was like the timer went off, ding, she got it and was potty trained in a week... it was like, oh, cool, why did we ever worry??? Until then, make it a positive experience, give them treats, but my advice... keep the diapers on, and even buy pullups if you get tired of the diapers, but eh, don't worry about it, like anything it's a process...
Ah, potty training. So fun. My advice is - get a SpotBot (I may have told you this already, but seriously, I love mine. Makes accident clean up a lot easier, which keeps mom a lot calmer). I do the bribery thing, and it seems to work pretty good, but there are going to be accidents! I am working on Cora now...she had a really hard time away from the house (and we are away from the house A LOT) because she was afraid of the big potty. Some friends recommended a fold-up travel potty seat that I now keep in a big ziplock in my bag (who even knew there were such things). Life. Saver. She isn't scared anymore, but she still gets a little forgetful sometimes.
Congrats on the potty training stage!!! My main advice is NO pull ups!!!! They need to feel the pee and they will never want it on them again and will get to the potty. As for boys with Isaac it was in stages through the week. First is was all naked for a few days then underwear then clothes. I just put the potty in by the tv and that is where we lived for the first two days. It probably took him a week to be potty trained, and he is awesome!!!! I also never put diapers on him for his naps just at night. Good luck!!!!
great advice on potty training!!! I love it all. I agree wait until they are ready.. otherwise miserable.. I bet dax will pick up a lot faster too because he wants to be like older brother. My sister in law bought swedish red fish and every time they tried they got one and handful for going.. My boys both potty trained at almost 4 in one day.. i know i just wasn't ready to deal with the pee.. Good luck.. You will do great!
All 3 boys are so so cute!
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