We have joined the *I*n crowd...
We are what Steve Jobs dreamed about...
An *I* Family of f*I*ve...
We are h*I*gh on l*I*fe.
No kidding.
We love IPhones, ITV, IPads and IMacs like we've never loved other electronics.

Except for maybe Tivo... which could, and possibly should, be spelled t*I*vo.
Just Sayin'.
And since I'm all h*I*p... I f*I*nally Instagrammed.
Go ahead and laugh if you've been doing *I*t for months.
I'm an Instagram V*I*rg*I*n... no Longer.
And I love *I*t.
Blogg*I*ng will never be the same. :)
I gotta figure instagram out! You are so hip and happening' and so down with the latest trends, dude!
I can't get my rear end off the computer, I am addicted to PINTEREST. HELP ME!
Haha! Love the pic of the boys on the couch! *I*m crush*I*n!
We have the Love, too. Love *I*t All! Such Cute little pictures of your babies!
Fact: I really do love you...like really. Shhhh...don't tell my hubs
Sista. I have never instagramed. So I'm at risk of being the last virgin on earth. Your always a step ahead! :( except as I write this I'm enjoying some chocolate Cadbury eggs. So that' makes it ok.
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