In my previous life I managed a group of Sales Professionals for a Publishing house. And no lie - we were good. Very good. They were savvy sales men and women who could reach out to their extensive network of customers and I could move an internal mountain range if need be to ensure the details worked out in our favor, and voila - our relationship was successful and symbiotic. I loved it. They loved it. And we all received happy bonus checks and other awards and accolades for our performances.
In my current life, as COO and Domestic Engineer of this household, it is once again my duty to head up the Sales Department. Never in my life have I felt such sweet sales victories as those I experience regularly as a Mom. Like when I sell green beans, sharing, teeth-brushing and bed time to my little duo of toddlers... I mentally reward myself with the coveted title of "Sales Woman of the Year". I'm often tempted to write a little check out to the order of "The Great, Amber", or to hang a plaque on the office wall; but then there are those tough sales, like wearing clothing in the back yard which we currently think is optional. Mmmm.
And you know the feeling too. :)
Selling little strong-willed kiddos on something is a high of the most natural and pleasant variety.
Before I started either of my sales careers, a wise mentor told me, "The key to a successful career in sales is to ensure that people want to go along with YOU for the ride above all others... You better be able to make a trip to hell and back look like the most amazing road trip of all time just because you're in the car with them."

Well, let me tell you, I can make brushing one's teeth look like a ride at an amusement park... for real. And clean up? You ain't never seen someone sing the clean-up song like this one. :)
So, to you, me and every other sales profesh out there at the work place or in the real trenches called home... write yourself a nice little bonus check (or in my case, splurge on a shaved ice at the local snow shack). Because, Oh Baby, you deserve it. Fo' Sho.
Man..I should be rolling in he dough then...because I can even get Sophie to take a dirty diaper out to the trash just by seeing how "fast" she can do it...r we good or are we good? Congrats to the new career:)
Ha! LMAO! As one of your disciples, I related on a number of levels to this post. So witty and accurate, my dear! You are channeling the ju ju from NSM, aren't ya now? Wish I could see you in action with your little charges so that I could glean your wisdom.
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