Remember back in the fall when I was bragging (yes I'll admit it) about my imported tulips straight from Amsterdam that my boyfriend RyGar brought me? Let this be a lesson - don't count your tulips before they bloom...
gophers will stick it to you.

I was mowing the lawn on Friday and found two random "shovelfuls" of dirt in the middle of the front yard and I thought... weird. And then my cunning mind went on a tangent reminiscing about that freaky show "Tremors" and that was that.
Fast forward to Ryan coming home and I say, "How 'bout those crop circles" cause I'm totally psyched at my mowing patterns that circle around the flower beds and he says, "I think we have a gopher."
Duh. Did I not just run over two randomly placed mounds of dirt with the mower? Um - Yes. Did I not see little holes atop them? In passing - Yes. Did I not make a comment the weekend prior about how my south flower bed was missing all it's tulips? Yes, Yes I did.
Add it all up and here's the verdict... That damn gopher ate all my tulip bulbs in one of the flower beds and he was starting on my lawn.
(In this instance "damn" is not a swear word - ask Ryan's Grandpa Clem... you can say damn and hell when it comes to yard varmints. Free Pass)
Watch yourself, damn rodent.
After a trip to IFA to gather smoke bombs and traps (not the humane kind but this is not a reflection on my personality... hello, it is a stinky, beady-eyed, bulb-eating rodent, people!) The boys took care of business in a big way.
Gopher is Gone.
Details will not be published, but I'm sure you can imagine my victory dance at the gory scene! It was awesome.
And this mama couldn't be prouder of all her mighty hunters! :)
Oh we have gophers (which we can kill) and we have ground squirrels (which we can't me we've tried and tried and tried) I'm sure they are laughing at us each time we try and fail and thinking of their next tunnel they will dig under my pool as they are sunning on my waterfall! I am that crazy lady who sits outside with my gun waiting for those damn creatures to show their beadie eyes and furry tails! aaahhh, my blood is boiling just writing about them! haha!
Damn those gophers!!! Tulips make spring so beautiful. I feel your pain, sista.
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