I put the babies to bed tonight and ditched the treadmill for a bubble bath... Oh wait, I mean, I drew me a bubble bath this evening. (Don't you think it is somewhat romantic to say you "drew" a bath?)

And it wasn't just any bath. I used a huge helping of Aloe and Jasmine Champagne Bubble Bath, a parting gift from my sister-in-law who currently lives "across the pond", (that too sounds so uber-classy, right?) and hot - hot water (so hot my skin turned pink), and I sunk in with an old Good Housekeeping magazine. Listen, it was all I could scrounge up on short notice and if I'm being honest I stole it from a doctor's office on accident.
Turns out the magazine came in handy because I was reading a "Hints from Heloise" section and she recommended using conditioner on your legs for shaving. Shut the front door. I ALWAYS run out of shampoo and am left with extra conditioner... so mama put it to good use tonight. And don't tell my husband, but I shaved my legs with his razor. The one that he uses on his face? Seriously, I have yet to meet a women's razor that does the job like RyGar's Gillette Mach something or other. It was Heaven.
I soaked for way too long and yes, my fingers and toes were shriveled prunes, but I had a hot date with my Mom and Swista (and the boys) today and we walked a LOT. Besides, I deserved a little spa treatment after flying solo all week with yet another day to go. I would offer bath time to Ry once he finally makes it home, but for some reason, men don't understand the therapeutic qualities of a hot bath. "You won't find me soaking in my own soupy stuff", is a direct quote from my hubster.
I prefer this direct quote, from my 64 ounce bottle of bubble bath... "This rich, pampering lather and magnificent aloe & jasmine scent is sure to turn any bath into a celebration."
Party On, Ladies... Party On.
You deserve your super long bath! Handling two growing baby boys all on your own for a week must make for some long days. I must admit, I don't miss busy season AT ALL.
Ummmm....My hubbers loves him a good bath and my bro Nate doesn't even shower if he can bathe...Maybe you should just shove Rygar in there one time to show him how it's done...
And, congrats on making a week alone! Cheers to that!
My swista turned me on ot the conditioner deal...fancy right! But mostly I don't even use any cream to shave..I'm too lazy and it doesn't make all that big of a dif with me...congrats to baths..and Amy's right..Nate loves him a bath.
using a mans razor on your legs is treasonous. your poor husband is going to pull out the razor to shave and end up with a cut up face. shame on you. I don't like baths either. mostly because I am too fat to fit in the tub.
Okay so about the post dividers. Go to shabbyblogs.com, click on Shabby Extras, scroll down past the banners to post dividers. Pick out one that you want and I can install it for ya. The only thing is, I think your main background has to be white so it blends in?
Text me when you found one you want and I can do it after church.
Aaaah, the joys of a bubble bath!!
I have the opposite problem....I always run out of conditioner before shampoo....must be my "huge helpings"
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