Sometimes my RyGar comes up with little one-line gems that stick around for the rest of our lives...
Like the time I was ticked at him and he hugged me and said,
"Amb, Don't be such a Hata..." like such a white dude.
I laughed 'til I cried.
Or this weekend when he said,
"I think it is safe to say that we have arrived at the bottom of the Social Totem Pole."
The what?
And then with a few more minutes of pontification, I had to admit,
Dude knows what he's talkin' 'bout.
And here are a few prime examples of our current loser status:
1. I have seriously been thinking about how to start up a new trend.... "Laundry Dates". You know, instead of play dates? We could just chat and bounce babies and fold one another's massive heaps of laundry. Multi-tasking at its' finest, right? And I would probably be making this happen if there weren't an underlying embarrassment about having someone else fold your undies. I just can't cross that thresh hold.
2. H&M opened here in our great state and it has long been a favorite shopping destination of mine. I have shopped it's contents in Chicago and New York and San Fran but here in my own hood; I haven't been. And in all likelihood, I probably won't make it until after the holidays for sheer lack of time and the inability to truly peruse through the racks of delightful things without a tiny entourage. So sad. I might be the only woman in 2011 that doesn't have colored denim. :)
3. I haven't seen Foot Loose or Money Ball and I can honestly say that we had high intentions of seeing both of them. OK - just me on the first one, but both of us wanted to adore Brad Pitt in the second one. OK - just me again. RyGar says the whole story line is an epic sports story. I say, who gives, just give me Brad and a movie soda. Oh, and let me have a good hair day for my big date night out.
4. Our Friday night experience (yes, that's what we've started calling our pathetic little end of week events) consisted of running laps around Cabelas to the sound of two pair of squeaky shoes, watching the official "Feeding of the Fish", homemade pizza and rootbeer and then bath time, bed time and two weeks worth of recorded "Office" episodes. Laugh if you'd like.
I could go on, but I think you've caught my drift. I am a socialite no more.
And then there is the flip side of the coin. I have these three sweet little somethings that snuggle into the nape of my neck and ride contentedly on my hip and hold my hand through the parking lots of life voluntarily. And they run to me like I am the Master of the Universe when I enter the doors of our casa and I love it. And I have to remember, that our days of socializing were aplenty, and awesome and they will be back before we know it. But nights of squeaky shoes and suckers... Now those coveted treasures are few and far between.
So, I accept my fate at the bottom of the social totem pole with a little grain of salt and,
"I take thee, Life, to be my lawfully wedded whathaveyou."
And I vow to see the flip side of the coin every day of my little mens' lives...
And to only laugh about the satire of the Social Totem Pole...
I Do.